Headteacher's Welcome

We are a small school, with a big heart and I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher here at St Joseph's. We pride ourselves on the close relationships with build with our children and parents and how together we are one big, happy 'St Joseph's family'. We are a special little school that is filled with love, laughter and learning and the children are at the heart of all we do. 

I hope our website will give you an insight into why our school is such a memorable place for our children both personally and academically and why they leave us with the most magical memories that last them a lifetime. 

Miss Gleeson

Hello and a big warm welcome to our Little Joey’s Pre-School

Here at school, our Little Joey’s children immediately become part of our St Joseph’s family.

The children are taught with our Reception children in a Foundation Stage Unit; where they play, learn and thrive together.

Our Vision

At St Joseph's, Jesus is at the heart of all we do. We encourage our children to follow in Jesus' footsteps as we pray, learn and play together. We pride ourselves on nurturing every child to be themselves, as everyone is special in their own right. We believe that every child should be encouraged to achieve their full potential in all aspects of school life and celebrate their talents, whatever they may be. We teach our children to enjoy their time at St Joseph's by living out our Mission Statement ‘Living Life to the Full.’

Our recent OFSTED visit (March 2022) stated that:

Pupils enjoy attending the nurturing environment that staff and leaders have created at St Joseph s Primary School. Pupils are friendly and get along well together.

Year 6 buddies enjoy looking after their younger peers in the Reception class.

Pupils told inspectors that they feel happy and safe in school.