Our Schools Ethos and Values

Here at St. Joseph’s, we are very proud of the nurturing environment that we promote.

We believe that every child should be encouraged to achieve their potential in a variety of areas of school life, albeit academic, sport, music, computing, art or developing their sense of responsibility; hence our Mission Statement ‘Living Life to the Full.’

Our RE Inspection (February 2018 – Archdiocese of Liverpool), which deemed us still as ‘an outstanding Catholic school’ commented on:

  • The extent to which the pupils contribute to and benefit from the Catholic Life of the school is outstanding.
  • Pupils value and fully participate in opportunities provided by the school including a range of after school clubs including dance, Art, cookery, gardening, seasonal sports, computer and choir. 
  • Pupils take full advantage of the opportunities the school provides for their personal support and development they have an outstanding sense of belonging.  On the day of inspection, a child commented that, “…every lesson is different. You can express your feelings and you know you are going to be respected!”.  As a result, they are happy, confident and secure in their own stage of physical, emotional and spiritual growth.
  • The quality of teaching, learning and assessment in Religious Education is outstanding.

Our recent OFSTED visit (March 2022) stated that:

Pupils enjoy attending the nurturing environment that staff and leaders have created at St Joseph s Primary School. Pupils are friendly and get along well together.

Year 6 buddies enjoy looking after their younger peer s in the Reception class.

Pupils told inspectors that they feel happy and safe in school.

They said that name calling and bullying are rare.
Teachers have high expectations of pupils behaviour and achievements.

Pupils behaviour is positive. Parents and carers, staff and governors share this view.

Leaders have created a curriculum that is broad and ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils told inspectors that they find the curriculum engaging and fun .

Introduction of the Little Joey’s pre-school has been well received by parents. Numbers on roll show that this has met an identified need in the local community;

Careful and meticulous planning across the early years is allowing the school to ensure that future pupils joining the school have appropriate pre-school experiences.

Pupils have a strong sense of common values across different societies. They embrace new experiences which broaden their understanding: carol singing at Don Orione, links with New Hope Orphanage, Kenya.
Pupils raise money for both national and international charities. In recent times, ‘The Big Share for CAFOD’ has been a focus of a School Council coffee morning. ‘The Good Shepherd Service’ and ‘The Advent Service’ both in aid of Nugent Care; has also received support from school.
Our Y6 children visit London in the Autumn term, taking a tour of the Houses of Parliament. This supports work done in school on democracy, freedom of speech, the rule of law and mutual respect..

Miss Gleeson