Online Safety plays a very important part in the day-to-day life at St Joseph’s.

We want children to grow and learn through computing in a safe and stimulating environment. Already in school we have Digital Leaders one of whom won the 02 Digital Leader National Award for his work within School and the community.

Our School Digital Leaders Programme aims to empower children and young people to champion digital citizenship and digital creativity within our school and to educate their peers, parents and teachers about staying safe online.

The Digital Leaders are involved in lots of activities ranging from Safer Internet Day Assemblies to sharing information for parents/carers in coffee mornings. The Digital Leaders have already run successful sessions within coffee mornings for families and carers within our school community. This has been extremely successful and feedback has shown that parents feel that not only they would benefit but also the wider community including other Schools who do not have access to these resources and skills from sessions like this run on a large scale.

Helping make online safety learning fun and effective and helping our Schoolwork towards an outstanding whole school community approach to online safety.